100 rewrites of 700 words each $2.25 each.
I need 100 rewrites of 700 words each. $2.25 per rewrite. Here r the instructions.Each of these needs to be rewritten TWICE in the following manner (each of the two versions should be a completely fresh re-write according to these specs - please note that we will be using the free software available from http://www.dupefreepro.com to check the quality of your rewrites.):
1. The Title needs to be rewritten, but must still capture or describe the theme of the article in as engaging or interesting way as possible.
2. Each paragraph needs to be reworded. The number of words and sentences in the paragraph may change. The overall content and meaning of the paragraph must remain the same.
3. The number of paragraphs must NOT change. i.e. if the article starts with 8 paragraphs it must end up with 8 paragraphs, and each of those paragraphs should still say the same thing as the original article, but just using different words. Any subheadings that are a single line should be rewritten, and should remain as a single line. Make sure you don't accidentally combine two paragraphs into one.
4. If the article has bullet points or lists, then each line of the list should be reworded, but the number of points or lines must remain the same.
5. The style of bullet or numbering must remain the same, e.g. do not change "1)" to "1." Do NOT use any special Word or non-ASCII characters as bullets.
6. Bullets/lists must have a blank line between each point.
7. The articles are to be delivered in a zip file as an upload to our shared workspace on Elance. Each article that I supply will have the name business-5a.txt, business-6a.txt etc. the articles you do should have the same file name but changing the "a" to "b" and "c" as in: business-5b.txt and business-5c.txt
8. Articles are to be formated as follows:
Title on top line.
Empty line.
Paragraph1 followed by empty line,
Paragraph2 followed by empty line, etc.
They are to be supplied in TXT (ie Notepad) format.
9. Articles are "work for hire" ghostwriting, and no credit to original author will be given once we have paid our account.
10. Full payment will be made on completion of the project to satisfactory standard. We do not engage in partial payment up-front or any other such terms.
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